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Air Conditioning Units

Air Conditioning units are used to condition the temperature, humidity, cleanliness and movement of air in a interior space. Most Residential or Commercial Air Conditioning systems are designed to be installed on a wall or ceiling (indoor unit) with the outside units able to be installed on wall, floor and rooftop. We sell two brands, Daikin & Midea. With dedicated A-C experts for our air conditioning sales, along with vast stock levels, SBS can offer excellent service with high levels of product knowledge. Our in-house personnel can provide technical support to assist with design and system layout, including the Daikin software VRV Xpress which can produce a report giving schematics and technical information.

DaikinRegarded by many as a leader in the air conditioning field, Daikin’s extensive portfolio of products can suit all HVAC applications. The manufacturer’s air conditioning products are known for their reliability, efficiency and excellent design. They can provide users with integrated climate control solutions for domestic, commercial and industrial applications.

MideaMidea is one of the world’s fastest growing companies, offering the most comprehensive selection of products in the world to fully serve the needs of day-to-day living at home, at work, or anywhere else you go. The company manufactures a wide range of equipment including; DX split systems (1kW to 70kW), VRF systems (3HP to 88HP), Air Cooled Chillers (25kW to 2000kW), Water Cooled Screw Chillers (365kW to 985kW), Air Handling units (200m3/hr to 240,000 m3/hr) and even the world’s most economical 7000kW Centrifugal Chiller.


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